19 February 2009

I'm gonna start drinking red wine! (:

Review on Iphone :
"Very hard to adapt, & it's a bad thing using
finger tips, a stylus provided will be better.

Not really a friendly-user phone to me, personally.

Screen is clear & high resolution, works great

with Youtube. The best thing would be
the applications. (: "


Well, recently is getting bored of drinking the same thing,
same place with all the same peoples. Lol.
Wanna visit some wine house real soon :D
But not now, need to save up for quite amount of stuff.

15 February 2009

I brought IPHONE! :D

*P/s: & seriously addicted to it =x

This week was busying drinking, enjoying, spending $..
Haha, gonna be busy next week too,
but in working more (;

Or else where got Money for rent.

10 February 2009

At Boat quay " Honey pub" :D

A fun-filled night with the khakis (:


Guess what?
I didn't suffer from "Strep throat".
It's another illness called "
Lol. Getting better now,
after those 4 medications from doctor.




It feels bad being sick.
Couldn't eat fried, spicy food, lessen smoking.
Damn It ! ]:

Don't care lah !
I want to drink today already hor.

08 February 2009

Well, going for a understanding of a job detail @ 9Am
tomorrow (:
Well, it's a office job..
Don't know whether should take up the job :I

Rested at home yesterday, cause..
I'm sick ]:
Severe painfulness in the throat,
suspected it was "strep throat".
Cause, i got some other symptom too..
Not just a simple sore throat.

Gonna see a doctor maybe tomorrow,
just too lazy to see one :X


Although I'm sick..
But, i may going down boat quay later :D
One day never drink, very 辛苦 one leh !
You know?!

But, couldn't smoke, until i recovered D:
Or else, i suppose the illness get worsen..
But actually i couldn't drink also,
but don't think it will affect that much as smoking..?

Aya, I don't care lah! :O

P/s: Getting back to my freelance job soon, when i recovered ! (:

05 February 2009

Here is the updates of photos for CNY :D
Finally upload the photo(s) in the laptop..
From lunar till now..!
Mostly is taken in pub (:

The First two is at "Red Antz de club".
Weird pub name hor..?
It's located at parklane, don't really like that pub
personally -.--

Then follow by the six photo(s) is taken on the way
to my relatives house for 1st CNY (:

The few remaining is at "Honey pub",
my 老地方 ! =I

"幸福の老大" ehs.. Lol !

Forgot who*, Jackie, Me & Sam

My real blood sis & Me

My mom & Me

Me! :D

1st day of CNY


Me again!

Jingyu, Darren, Sam & Me

Kao! "幸福の男人". Lol :X

Bestie! :DD


Anyway, went to shopping 2 days ago (:

As well as treating my family to a

spicy steamboat restaurant
for a Yuan-Yang steamboat.

Brought a Mango leopard prints top & Dress/top from Joop.

Wanted to buy more, but no time!


P/s: This is a wierd time to blog =/